Important announcement:

Code Protection Technologies is now a division of ProtWare Inc.
Encrypt HTML source is now included in ProtWare's HTML Guardian - the worldwide #1 web site protection tool.

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Click here to download ProtWare's HTML Guardian - the world's standard in web site intellectual property protection.

Encrypt HTML ::: Frequently asked questions:

disable View SourceCan I disable View Source command in web browsers?
Almost all browsers provide a convenient way to view the source code of the currently opened page. We regularly receive e-mails with the same question - how to disable view source command.
An html file can not enable or disable the built in browser functionality in most cases. It's not possible remove the view-source command from the browser menus or to make it non-working. But if the source is encrypted, what the user will see is just a lot of garbage characters - not your original code. So the view source command is practically disabled for each encrypted file.
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Hide HTML CodeCan I hide html source code of my pages so that nobody can see it?

Please read the above question.
It is not possible to prohibit viewing the code, it can not become invisible. But what is visible is only the protected code, not the original, plain text code created by you. Your original source can't be viewed - so you can consider it hidden.
In conclusion - you can hide html (your original) code. You can not hide the protected source code, but there is no need to do this at all - nobody will be able to understand something when viewing it, nor to reuse parts of it in another website.
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How to remove the Encrypt HTML source advertisment (banner) from the encrypted files?

If you purchase Encrypt HTML source Professional , the banner will not be included in the encrypted files.
But we suggest that you first test the free Personal edition of the program which has all the features of the Professional edition.
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Will the encrypted files be rendered correctly by all browsers?
The current version of Encrypt HTML source has been tested with versions 4.0 and higher of Internet Explorer, Netscape and Opera browsers. However, encrypted files should work without problems in any javascript enabled browser on any platform (operating system). There is no requirement for a specific version of javascript to be supported, the very first one is enough. Encrypt HTML source automatically adds <noscript> tag to all encrypted html files, which will be displayed if the browser is not javascript enabled(but such browsers are something really exotic and hard to find these days).
Of course, files encrypted with the alternative encryption method(for IE 5+ only) will not work in other browsers.
Also, encrypted files will work in all browsers built on Internet Explorer (no matter what encryption method was used), like FastBrowser, MyIE, NetCaptor, ClickGarden, etc.
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Can I encrypt files which were created on Mac?
Yes, you can. Note that Ascii files created on MAC/UNIX(like) systems are different from ones created on Windows, although the differences are not visible - Mac/UNIX use different characters to mark a new line. That's why the files should be converted to Windows format before encryption.
Encrypt HTML source will detect and convert such files automatically in most cases, but if you have problems with files created on non-Windows machines, you should convert them to Windows format before encryption.
There are several programs that can convert files from any format to Windows format, like for example UltraEdit (click File --> Conversions --> UNIX/MAC to DOS)
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Will the encryption increase the size of the protected files?
Not really. Typically Encrypt HTML source will add less than 1K to the encrypted files, if no additional options are used. If you select all the additional options, this will additionally increase the size with about 1K. (For personal edition, additional 1K will be added because of the Encrypt HTML source banner). This is practically nothing, it will increase the download time with less than a second if your visitors use 28.8 modem, which is something really rare these days.
The above applies only to small files, like 5 - 10 KB or smaller. If the file to be encrypted is bigger, the encrypted file could be even smaller than the original. That's because Encrypt HTML source internally compresses the code before the encryption, i.e. it entirely removes html formatting.All unnecessary blank lines, new lines, tabs, spaces and so on(which otherwise make your code look steady and easily readable) are removed.
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How to encrypt multiple files at once?
There are several ways to do that.
- To encrypt quickly all the files in a folder, click 'Select folder', then set the desired protection options and click the 'Encrypt' button. All appropriate files in that folder will be encrypted. Encrypted files will be saved in a Folder_name_E folder under the same names. This method has some limitations - all files will be encrypted with the same set of protection options.
- For maximum flexibility, use Encrypt HTML source's full command line support. You can use this feature to control Encrypt HTML source from another applications like your own VisualBasic, C, C++ etc. programs. You can also write batch files if you need to protect the same set of files often.
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I lost my files. Is it possible to recover them from the protected ones?
No, this is not possible. Please don't ask us to do it. We regularly receive e-mails like "I lost my original files and only have the encrypted ones , can I restore the originals from them?". We did our best to help users of Encrypt HTML source avoid such problems. Encrypt HTML source will never overwrite the original file with the encrypted one by default. The only exception is if you use a batch file to encrypt many files at once, and you specify the same file name for the input and the output file.
So please be careful when creating batch files, and of course regularly backup your work.
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