Encrypt HTML ::: Frequently asked questions:

Encrypt HTML Can I encrypt html and script code?
Yes. If you encrypt html, javascript etc., no portion of the code can be re-used in another file. It is not possible to identify and extract a part of the code that corresponds to a certain part of the page visual layout. For example, if you have a table in your page, it is not possible to determine what part of the protected code corresponds to that table. Editing the encrypted files with html editors or in any other way is not possible. If you change even a single character, the protected file will not work.
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What types of files I can secure with Encrypt HTML source?
Encrypt HTML source can directly protect the files of the following types:
*.htm / *.html / *.shtm / *.shtml / *.stn / *.asp / *.js / *.vbs / *.css /*.inc (.inc files are always considered asp includes).
No other file types are supported at this time. Encrypt HTML source can not directly protect files in a format different than the ones listed above(like .wav, .class, .jar, .cab, .cfm , .jsp, .swf, .png, or any other file type that may be used in your website). By encrypting the source code the program will make unauthorized copying of most files of unsupported types much harder, but it will not modify them in any way.
Changing the extension of any file of an unsupported type to mislead Encrypt HTML source is not recommended and may have unpredictable results - in most cases such file will not work after protection.

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Is it possible to disable text selection and copying?
Yes. Check the 'Disable text selection' box. This will make impossible text to be selected and copied by pressing Ctrl + A keys or clicking 'Select All' either in browser's 'Edit' menu or in the right click context menu. It will be also not possible to select text by dragging the mouse over it.
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Can I protect ASP code?
Yes. Please carefully read the "How to protect ASP files" section of the Help file. Note that by default Encrypt HTML source will only encrypt the server-side parts of the code for .asp files, but you can encrypt client-side html and script code as well.
Server-side code is not visible to the web site visitors if they view the page source or save the .asp file to disk. But it is what takes most of the time and efforts when you develop asp solutions. So this option can be very useful if you need to give the asp source to some third parties - they can test what you've done on their server, but can't steal your source. In general, it is a good idea to encrypt .asp files even if you don't give them to anyone - this will protect your work if someone for example knows your password and can have ftp access to your server. There are also several bugs in the Microsoft's asp server (IIS) that make possible a knowledgable person to retrieve the actual source code of your .asp files if the asp server is not well configured. In most cases the asp server configuration is done by another person and you can't know if it's vulnerable to such attempts (usually it is) - so it's always better to protect the asp source code.
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Can I protect css files (cascading style sheets) ?
Yes. Encryption of .css files is explained in the Help file. If you define the styles within the html file, they will be encrypted as everything else.
Note that the protected style sheets are not saved with a .css extension - they are converted to encrypted javascript files and are saved with a .js extension. You have to change the way you refer to them in your pages, as explained in the Help file.
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Which encryption method to use from all that are available? What are the major differences between them?
If you use the default (for 'All' browsers) method , the encrypted files will work in all available browsers. If you use the alternative method for IE5+ only, encrypted files will be properly displayed only in Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher.
The default method uses standard javascript for encryption. The alternative method uses some features available in Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher only.
The alternative (for IE5+) encryption method is faster and more secure, it is practically impossible to be cracked. Many web designers create a separate version of their sites for each browser. In this case you can encrypt the IE version of your site using the alternative method, and use the default method for others. The alternative method can be also used if you create files for internal use - IE is now the standard browser for almost all corporations and organizations. It's also suitable if you create files which will be used offline, like ebooks, tutorials or manuals in html or chm format.

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Do I have to use all the available protection options?
Of course not, it is not neccessary to use all the options together. Some of them we added in Encrypt HTML source because they were requested by our customers in order to perform some specific tasks, and are not always needed. There is no recommended set of options, use those you find appropriate for your content and for the level of protection you want to achieve. We suggest, however, that you always use the disable right click option for html files.
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Can I encrypt email if it is HTML formatted ?
Yes, you can. But note that there could be problems if the html file you want to send as an email uses external files(like external script files or java applets, images, or external style sheets). For style sheets and scripts, just include their content in the html code rather than using external .css or .js / .vbs files. For images it is harder, the only way to send encrypted html file with images inside is to make the images available on the web. So your IMG tags should look like this before encryption:
<IMG src = "http://www.yourdomain.com/images/myImage.jpg">
This is because of the way external files are handled when you send html formatted mail.
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