Encrypt HTML source code

version 2.07
by Code Protection Technologies Inc.

Important announcement:

Code Protection Technologies is now a division of ProtWare Inc.
Encrypt HTML source is now included in ProtWare's HTML Guardian - the worldwide #1 web site protection tool.

Click here to visit ProtWare.com and read more
Click here to download ProtWare's HTML Guardian - the world's standard in web site intellectual property protection.

Encrypt HTML source code, protect website. Encryption of ASP, Javascript, html

Encrypt HTML source code v.2.0 is an advanced tool for a complete website protection.
Being a web designer, you know how much effort is needed to create a unique, original and competitive web site. And you know how easy it is your intellectual property to be stolen and reused by your competitors and anyone else.

Encrypt HTML source will protect web site content entirely - your code, images, links, scripts, java applets and all other components of your web site from thieves, email extractor spamming programs, site rippers, web content filters and all other possible online threats.

Password protection for html files

Main Benefits:

Total protection for your website Total website protection
No portion of the encrypted html code can be copied from the protected file and reused in other files. It is not possible to determine which part of the protected source corresponds to a given element of the page visual layout. Protected html code can not be edited with any text or WYSIWYG editor like DreamWeaver or FrontPage - even the smallest change in it will result in a non-working file.
There are many dishonest webmasters that download the entire sites of their successful competitors, just change some images and texts and have "their" site up and running in less than a day without any effort - when it may take weeks or even months of hard work to develop, test and optimize the original site. If this happens to you, it will make you site less competitive and let other people benefit from your work, knowledge and experience for free.
For a detailed information about how to encrypt html,hide source code etc. please read the help file.

Website image protectionProtect images on your site
Image theft is maybe the most common form of theft on the web - that's why website image protection is the major concern for serious web designers. Many owners of sites with high quality pictures are tired to see their images posted on other websites the next day after they publish them online.
Some people go even further and directly link images (and other files as well) from other websites - this way not only stealing your content, but also stealing your bandwidth which in most cases has to be paid.
So html source encryption will not only protect images and any form of intellectual property - it may also save you a lot of money.

Hide html source from rippers  and content filtersHide HTML source code from site rippers, email extractors and content filters.
HTML encryption will hide your source code from many programs used by thieves, spammers and censors, such as:

- site rippers - these are programs like Offline Explorer, Teleport Pro, WebZip etc. used to download entire websites at once for later offline use. If your code is protected by Encrypt HTML Source 2.0, site rippers and mass downloaders will not be able to follow the links within your site and will not be able to download it.

- email extractors - these are programs which can scan thousands of sites per day and collect all email addresses posted in them. When some email is posted online, it will be sooner or later included in various spamming databases and your mailbox will be flooded with a huge amount of unwanted mail. But if your html code is protected, spamming utilities will not be able to analyze it and extract any email addresses.

- content filters are programs which are becoming more and more popular worldwide. They are used by many corporations, universities, schools and even repressive governments to block the access to websites which, in somebody's opinion, do not have an "appropriate" content.
Content filters simply scan the page code (which is actually a plain text) for certain words before the page reaches the PC from where it was requested. If "bad" words were found, the page is blocked and can't be viewed at all.
A common target for content filters are, along with gambling and adult sites, also websites which offer online shopping, tickets, sites about movies, fashion, music, sports and a wide variety of many other things. Content filters may make your site invisible for a huge amount of people which browse the web mainly from their office PC's.
But if your html code is encrypted, your website will easily go through all the content filters and will be available to much more potential visitors.

Encrypt linksEncrypt links and secure all other files.
Linking to files hosted on other websites is another very common practice used by some "webmasters". They don't want to put the files on their servers to save some bandwidth, that's why they just put on their sites links to files on other servers. Links in your files will be encrypted (as everything else) if you protect html code. Only the visitors of your site will be able to use the protected links.

Encrypt Javascript protect VBscript Encrypt Javascript and VBscript source
You can protect JavaScript and VBscript code either inside your html files, or stored in external .js / .vbs files. Development and debugging of sophisticated scripts written in Javascript and VBscript could be a very time consuming task which also requires a lot of programming knowledge and experience. That's why such files are often being stolen by people who don't have the skills needed to create them. Encryption of Javascript and VBscript source will ensure your scripts can't be reused by other people.

Encrypt ASP sourceEncrypt ASP code
The program let's you protect asp source and make impossible people to reuse parts of it in their own asp projects. This is a very useful feature if you are an asp developer and you have to give a code created by you to some third parties - they will be able to use the encrypted asp code without any problems, but they will not be able to see how it works and copy parts of it.

Password html protectionHTML Password protection for websites or individual web pages
Encrypt HTML source v2.0 let's you password protect html files. You can also password protect website entirely. Each file can be set to require a password in order to be viewed. This way you can secure a part of your site and make it available only to certain visitors who have the password needed to access the password encrypted area.

Main features:

- full website encryption with just a few clicks! - advanced and highly configurable batch protection options allow you to encrypt either a single file, a list of predefined files or entire websites at once - with a different set of protection options specified for each file individually - which can be also applied conditionally.

- many additional security options - you can disable the right mouse click, text selection, page printing, offline usage and the ability to take screenshots from protected files. You can also password protect encrypted html files and prohibit linking them from other websites or opening them in frameset files that belong to other sites. Internet Explorer Image Toolbar (available in IE 6.0 and later versions) can also be disabled.

- user friendly - although extremely powerful, Encrypt HTML source code v.2.0 is very easy to use. The interface is clean and neat, even novice users can start using the program without the need of reading the Help files - almost all the features are self-explanatory and their usage is very intuitive. Of course, a detailed information about all program features and settings is available in the context-sensitive Help file. Examples are provided for most advanced usage scenarios.

- language independent - full support for non-English websites. Sites that have Cyrillic, Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Korean, German, French, Spanish, Russian or whatever other texts in them will be encrypted correctly, no matter what character set is used.

- password protect web page using 256 bit html password protection. You can either secure only selected web pages or password protect web site entirely. In such case you can choose between asking the visitors for the password for every web page or prompting them only once - for the first secured web page they visit. If you choose the option to prompt them once, your visitors will not be asked to enter a password for the rest of the pages they visit. This is a very useful feature if you want to password protect website completely - all your files will be secured, but your visitors will not be annoyed with prompts for each file they want to see.

- free upgrades - all registered users will receive lifetime free upgrades for the next versions we will release. Most software developers require that you pay in order to upgrade to the new major (or even minor) versions of their products - but we do not.